Monday, November 24, 2014


Today I encountered myself with a teacher that lost my essay. When teachers do this my heart stops. I mean I am not going to say no names though :x. but doesn't it hurt? after all that hard work I put into it, he/she looses this essay that haven't even been graded. The good thing about it is that is safely saved in my Google drive, which is totally a life saver because I knew I was not gonna do it again anyways. So what do you guys think about this situation? what will you do? will you do the essay again? or just wait until the teacher says something?...  I wouldn't wait at all ! 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

15th Birthday

        So grateful for the family I have & the love they show me every time we are together. I would also like to thank everyone for the presents they gave me. I might not be one of the smartest teens in the world or in NYC but I know that I can do anything I determine myself to do, which is to become a successful businesswoman. Once again, Thank you for the support & the understanding.

Waking Up Next To You

I'm forever alone, i don't know why I am saying this. Anyways, starting to blog more & more. Keep in touch!

Friday, November 21, 2014